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Monday, August 30, 2010

Area Blue or Area Red: It's all God's Area in the end....

Even though we live in the heart of Little Rock, M quipped to me, during the third siren of the evening, that sometimes she feels like we live in the jungle. It's as if we are immersed in a new land and culture. It's great, & each new day affords us some new education. Even some new linguistic opportunities have presented themselves.

Living in our apartment complex is absolutely amazing & proves to be much easier in some ways than we had expected, and at the same time is much harder on another spectrum. Providentially, our short-distance move from near the Heights of Little Rock down into the central area of urban life has presented us with daily reminders that we are always at the mercy of God and in need of His grace every step of each day. The truth that we must lean on the reality of Christ our Protector and our Leader, in order for our very survival & sustinance is actually a Universal Truth for all persons everywhere.

Living in BCC has blessed M & I with continual reminders of the fact, for which we are thankful to Him. These reminders come in differnet forms & at varied times of the night and day. The other day, I walked out of our upstairs apartment to off-load our vehicles contents. As I descended the stairway, I noticed several young folks I did not recognize as neighbors. Dressed in all red w/ their matching caps & bandanas, and walking out of an apartment below ours, it occured to me that it was unlikely that these chormatically-matched folks were a local glee club, here to do some community PR....

Funny... I used to drive by some "ad-hok, on-road signage" near our old neighborhood in the Heights which reads in Blue, Messy Spray Paint, "Bl00ds S*ck", and now it appears that some of our neighbors are friends with the local chapter of said group.... At first thought, I want to say we've moved from Cr!ps territory into Bl00ds territory, but after more thinking, I've decided that we've moved from Our Father's land into another piece of property that also belongs to Our Father. He's such a good Provider, and He's impressively rich. Our Daddy "owns the cattle on a thousand hills...." Admittedly, there are times when I wonder why He doesn't sell one or two head & use the cash to do some much needed upkeep....

It's an equally sobering and delightful reality that our new residence provides us with ample reminders to run to our Daddy sundry times a week as our Protector, Provider, Prince of Peace. We wouldn't have it any other way! We've been blessed in countless means, and we continue to enjoy building relationships with our friends & neighbors here.

It gets better every day.

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