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Monday, February 6, 2012

Yep, it's been over a year since I have posted anything on my blog. What have I been up to over the past 356-ish days? Well... Tomorrow is my son's 1st Birthday, and I my wife and I are now home-owners. So... these things along with helping to serve my church's college and young adult community, encapsulates the past year's events fairly well. New Topic: I'm on a diet. I hate diets, but this one is kinda cool, actually. I feel it's God's grace in my life that I'm on this diet. This January is the first time ever that my insurance decided to pay for such a program - an unprecedented benefit in most major insurance agencies as I understand. Challenged recently by my good friend, JT, to "ask God to make you more teachable", I did pray and ask God to make me more teachable. In fact, I continually make this my prayer, and I am amzed at how I've gained a new outlook on life. I now see how I have been a pretty stubborn and un-teachable b@st#$d for most of my life, and that there are a multitude of things I have been too afraid and/or too prideful to learn. Not least of which is self-discipline. Having recently done a study on the book of Titus from the New Testament in the basement of a local bar w/ some buddies, I have become familiar with some core principles which every Christ-following man ought to strive to emulate. The top two I have struggles with in my life are discipline and self-control. This newly-started diet - the same that former Gov. Huckabee underwent when he "unzipped and stepped out from his fat suit" - is administered and overseen by UAMS. Tomorrow begins day 5 for me. This will be a 5-6 month process of slowly losing weight. My goal is to lose 40 - 50 Lbs. If you think of it, please pray with me that I will overcome poor food habits with healthy ones. This is my desire - to live a Godly life in everything. I need help in this - I'm pretty darn selfish, and prideful. More later....

Friday, January 21, 2011

Don't Take Your Birthday Parties for Granted....

The other day, a wonderful new resident moved into the apartment complex to participate with Immerse Arkansas. It was this resident's actual birthday. While I was still at my 'day - job' @ UAMS, I received a phone call from Eric (director of I.A.) who said he'd be dropping by some things for my wife or I to wrap as gifts for the new resident. It wasn't until I got home that I heard the rest of the story. Apparently the items were purchased by the resident, himself, who had requested of Eric that they be wrapped up "so that he might have something to unwrap for his birthday." My heart broke. I could not understand how God could allow a child to be in such a state of alone-ness. How can a young man, this age, be abandoned by virtually everyone in the world, save for a handful of state workers who are paid to pay attention to him? How can this be? It was then that I heard the still, calming voice speak to me... "I haven't forgotten my child. I've placed you and Immerse in his life so that he may be loved." I wept with joy on the way to Target that evening, equipped with money, designated by Eric from the program to throw this young man a little birthday party in my wife's and my apartment. I was so thankful for the opportunity to be the guy that gets to love the kid that the world forgot. I praise Jesus for being the kind of God who doesn't forget "the least of these [His] brothers." It's an honor to throw a birthday party for the little brother of Jesus. It really is. At the end of our little pizza time, the young man had several new gifts, along with the two he had purchased himself with his state money. Another one of our residents quipped, "this is the nicest birthday party I've been to." It was really great to be a part of Immerse Arkansas that night. We really love these guys - all of them. They're a great bunch & we are blessed to know them!

"Oh how deep is the love that the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called sons & daughters of God!" (1 John 3:1)

Monday, November 15, 2010

What's your sign?... sigh....

“You must be a passionate person who is very loyal & friendly,” she said to me. I was flattered… until she revealed that she “knew” this must be so because my zodiac sign predicts it. Okay, I’m no longer flattered. That’s like telling me that you’re going to go on a trip this year because you ate out @ the local Chinese buffet & the cookie’s ‘fortune’ said so. I’m not impressed. Furthermore, I’ve been getting a lot of predictions about the nature of my unborn baby. I never knew people were so religious until the month of the predicted date of birth of my unborn child was stated, and people have come out of the woodwork to testify about their beliefs that my child will be such and such a way….

I’m reading the article below, because lots of folks, I’ve discovered, ascribe to the belief that there is some guidance to be found in the newspaper and online astrology forums. It’s a daily (I would call religious) practice for many, to flip to their horoscope for the day & not merely for entertainment, but for information as to how the day ought best be approached.

What brought this thought on? In discussing the pending birth of our firstborn child, I’m getting a lot of “Oooh, he’s going to be born in February? Great! He’ll be a _____ (whatever a Feb. horoscope sign is… I don’t have it memorized). This has actually bothered me quite a bit. I realize that these people are merely trying to be cheerful and discuss a light-hearted topic w/ me, but it actually gets my goat. After all, This is MY son whom we have already dedicated to Christ’s renown. Don’t go speaking the witchcraft of astrology over him. I won’t stand for it! Usually, when these kinds of conversations come up, I tend to smile, shrug my shoulders and change the topic.

What do you think about the common use of astrology in the discussion of peoples’ personality make up? Is it harmless? Is it all in fun? I guess what really gets me is that this is coming from folks who claim they are Christians. Can a person serve Christ and simultaneously subscribe to astrological belief? I think it all comes down to the core question: Are the stars in charge of destiny, or is the Creator of the stars the Sovereign boss of the Universe, like He says He is?

Think About It.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A New Kind of Diversity en mi Nuevo Barrio!

Good news! Akin to the heart of the church we attend (purposefully multi-ethnic), I recently walked out the front door to discover that our new area neighborhood is not merely ethnically-diverse, but also provides some variety in its groups of venerable... er..."road groups" (wink wink).

The back of the nail salon facing our door boasts the freshly tagged, “ws: SUR I3”. If you can trust google, this is slang for ‘mex!can maf!a’, the largest Latin pr!son g ang in existence. “Sur” means South en Espanol, of course, and 13 is their lucky number… go figure. They’re supposed to be rivals of the ‘Bl00dz’. Speakin’ of the B’s, two weeks ago, whilst moving some things upstairs from my car, I spotted a group of red-wrapped folks visiting somebody in our complex. They basically ignored me as I made trips up & down to my car, but I asked M to stay indoors. Sensing some spiritual oppression, I went inside & prayed w/ M that the Lord would keep our friends & neighbors in His peace, and protect us from evil. After the prayer, I stepped outside, and they had gone.

Praise God for being Boss of the world & sovereignly in charge! Now, honestly, I don't want to oversensationalize this thing. There is activity like this even in the wealthiest of neighborhoods accross the US, and by in large, folks in these 'clicks' keep to themselves & don't look for trouble outside of their collective agendas.

In short, we're not intimidated or really worried about the tag on the nail shop wall.

Now, having said that we also acknowledge & accept that we have pledged our lives in service to a homeless, single man who was murdered on a tree just outside of the city limits of his town, and so we know "He isn't safe".
But the peace & joy that come from following Him, and the knowledge of our certain futures makes any trivial discomfort a joy & an an honor!

While we’re not afraid, and we trust the Lord’s sovereign hand, we do covet your continued prayers for wisdom, protection, and for relational in-roads with our new friends & neighbors.

Gracias Amigos & Hermanos!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Area Blue or Area Red: It's all God's Area in the end....

Even though we live in the heart of Little Rock, M quipped to me, during the third siren of the evening, that sometimes she feels like we live in the jungle. It's as if we are immersed in a new land and culture. It's great, & each new day affords us some new education. Even some new linguistic opportunities have presented themselves.

Living in our apartment complex is absolutely amazing & proves to be much easier in some ways than we had expected, and at the same time is much harder on another spectrum. Providentially, our short-distance move from near the Heights of Little Rock down into the central area of urban life has presented us with daily reminders that we are always at the mercy of God and in need of His grace every step of each day. The truth that we must lean on the reality of Christ our Protector and our Leader, in order for our very survival & sustinance is actually a Universal Truth for all persons everywhere.

Living in BCC has blessed M & I with continual reminders of the fact, for which we are thankful to Him. These reminders come in differnet forms & at varied times of the night and day. The other day, I walked out of our upstairs apartment to off-load our vehicles contents. As I descended the stairway, I noticed several young folks I did not recognize as neighbors. Dressed in all red w/ their matching caps & bandanas, and walking out of an apartment below ours, it occured to me that it was unlikely that these chormatically-matched folks were a local glee club, here to do some community PR....

Funny... I used to drive by some "ad-hok, on-road signage" near our old neighborhood in the Heights which reads in Blue, Messy Spray Paint, "Bl00ds S*ck", and now it appears that some of our neighbors are friends with the local chapter of said group.... At first thought, I want to say we've moved from Cr!ps territory into Bl00ds territory, but after more thinking, I've decided that we've moved from Our Father's land into another piece of property that also belongs to Our Father. He's such a good Provider, and He's impressively rich. Our Daddy "owns the cattle on a thousand hills...." Admittedly, there are times when I wonder why He doesn't sell one or two head & use the cash to do some much needed upkeep....

It's an equally sobering and delightful reality that our new residence provides us with ample reminders to run to our Daddy sundry times a week as our Protector, Provider, Prince of Peace. We wouldn't have it any other way! We've been blessed in countless means, and we continue to enjoy building relationships with our friends & neighbors here.

It gets better every day.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rites of Passage into American Malehood

If I ever tell you that I'm bored I give you permission to sock me a good one in the ribs. Since moving into our new community, I have realized two things: 1. All things are possible. 2. Boredom is not an option here. All one must do is to stick one's head out of one's door, and there before you is an organic story, ever unfolding, day and night.

Today has been no exception. I just gave my first pep talk to a young lad who had endured the ageless custom of circumcision this afternoon. Up until this point in my life I've never known a human male who was old enough to describe the discomfort of the procedure.

M & I came back from a quick shopping trip and were going to run up the stairs to our second story suite when a lovely neighbor lady who lives under the stairs (not literally... her door opens beneath the stair way) waved hello. Naturally, I waved back & said a big hearty, "Howdy Friends!" to her & her little great nephew, who looked to be all of four years old, and who also looked pantsless. As if to explain her little boy's au natural appearance from the belt down, she quipped, "Little boy just got circumsized today. Won't let nobody touch him." Half-way up the stairs by this point, and looking through the steps, I inquired, "Um, isn't he a tad bit old for that?" She shrugged and replied, "he was a premie, and they wouldn't do it until now...." Having nothing to say to that, I looked at the little boy in his appropriately red shirt. He wore nothing else but a frown and a look about his face which screamed "aint nobody touching me ever again, punks". Inwardly questioning the sanity of our culture, and hoping to tap into this small male's injured masculine psychy, I hollered down, "It's gonna be alright, buddy. We all make it through it. You're gonna be fine." And I know he will be... in time. We all get over it, right guys? Right? And now if you'll excuse me, you'll find me weeping silently in the corner.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'd Give Anything for a Klondike Bar

Tuesday evening a missional community group from Mosaic came over to put on a “big Tuesday” event for the kids at our apartment complex. There were kids eating hot dogs with chips, kids drinking lemonaid, kids hoo-la-hooping… but most of all, there were dozens of kids swimming in the greenish yellow ppool. It must have been the Holy Spirit that gave me the guts to immerse myself in the questionably mirky waters, and I ran up to our apartment to change into my trunks & was back in a flash to begin my new-found ministry of turning wet ppool kids into human rockets.

For as long as I live, I’ll never forget the first sounds of those moments.... “Are YOU gonna swim with us!?” “Watch out! He’s coming in!” SPLOOSH! I snagged my first victim and up and over he went, squalling with a boisterous mixture of fear and delight. A small child on two floaty-noodles paddled up to me, screaming, “White man, White man! Throw Me White Man!!!” [Note: I am one out of no more than four caucasian men presently living at Chateau, so it makes sense that the lad identified me as such & I admire his keen sense of integrity in not mincing words.] I quickly established two things with young Jayden. 1. I don’t throw screamers, so you’d better lower your voice a bit, young friend; and 2. You can call me Mr. Joseph.

“Mr. Jophus, Mr. Jophus, Throw me!!!” “Sure, buddy. Here ya go.” Up & over & Whoopthsh! “Again, Again white ma… er, Mr. Jophus!”
And that is how it went for quite some time. And then out of nowhere, I remembered something from an all guys' float trip last week. Before jumping off a bridge into the river, one of our friends, Bub, dared Mark to shout out the words to a Klondike Bar commercial “I’d do anything for a Klondike bar!" and then jump in. For whatever reason, that influence Bub demonstrated over Mark was hilarious, and I knew I had to give it a try.

Within minutes, a new tradition had begun at the Chateau apartments for all the denizens there in. “Hey Jayden,” I said, “this time I’m gonna hold you up & I want you to shout "I'd do anything for a Klondike Bar, and THEN I’ll rocket you into the pool, ok?” It was amazing! The adults, watching from dryer ground got just as much a kick out of it as the kids did. There was “Gimme a break… break me off a piece of that kitkat bar!” Splash!! followed by “superman will save your life!” Sploosh! , and then, "Da da da da da, I’m Lovin’ It’" Wazammy! followed by “na na na na na na na na batman!” and the ever popular, “Comcast, We Deliver!” Whoosh!

I do believe we went through a dozen commercials that evening.

I can't wait to come up with more.