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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friend or Foe?, We may never know....

I Awoke @ 11:30PM last night to some very persistent knocking on our door. Being new to our apartment complex in 72204 zip code, I decided by default not to answer our door after 10PM unless we're expecting somebody.... I considered looking through the window, just to the left of the door, but knew I'd be spotted if I did, and I did not want to be spotted, whether it be a curious neighbor or somebody who was up to no good. The neighbor part would not be so bad, except for the fact that we don't want to begin any bad habits with our new friends. Being available after certain hours could become an expectation some might have of us, and that's not a habbit I'm willing to form since I have a job and a lovely wife who is expecting.

Whomever our unsolicited visitor was, he or she gave up at midnight. Thank God.

I finally got some good res after that, and the rest is history.

I have some suspicions among our neighbors who our visitor may have been, and I intend to pay somebody a visit to inquire about as much.

The Move In Day, Saturday, was one full of grace & blessing: It was warm enough to move (nearly 110.F), and nobody froze.

Molly and I had 13 offers of help, and 11 folks showed up to help us. We went from 7AM until 1:45PM. Molly's brother & sis-in-law were superhuman in their energy levels & commitment. We really look up to them in so many ways & are so thankful that they're in our lives, along with their cute boys-- my dear nephews.

On move in day, I was told by our new neighbor, "welcome to the hood." :) I really appreciated that. And I feel welcomed. We're blessed with some very nice neighbors who are friendly as all get out... some, maybe too friendly. :) haha.

Looking forward to whatever adventure God brings us next.

While we are aware of the quote, "there is no safer place to be than in the center of God's will," we also are keenly aware of the assumption the Psalms & Proverbs make of days of tragedy & suffering in the lives of the Children of God. It's like my cousin & cousin-in-law who live in Costa Rica: They're definitely sacrificing a lot to be in their present ministry, and they love doing it. I would submit that they are "in the will of God/ doing God's will". However, this did not preclude the recent robberies they've sustained over the past two months. They have lost many personal effects, including my cousin's wedding ring. :( So, in short, we recognize that we're striving to be in the will of God, to enjoy Him wherever He calls us, but we also do not believe that He owes us anything in exchange. On the contrary, we are attempting to love people on His behalf out of thankful hearts for all that He has done & does for us! He is so good, and as my good friend James E. Wafford III states so eloquently, "Even if God did nothing more for me ever again, He's already done enough." Amen! Let's Live!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me just a little of Dad's story about the drunk Native American dude trying to knock in their apartment door in Minneapolis one winter night.

    I wonder whether your new neighbors and friends would necessarily take it as an unfriendly gesture if you were to install a simple peephole in your front door.

    'Twould at least be more welcoming than something like this:

    Your reading public will be interested to learn (if you're interested in telling) how your conversation turned out.
