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Monday, November 15, 2010

What's your sign?... sigh....

“You must be a passionate person who is very loyal & friendly,” she said to me. I was flattered… until she revealed that she “knew” this must be so because my zodiac sign predicts it. Okay, I’m no longer flattered. That’s like telling me that you’re going to go on a trip this year because you ate out @ the local Chinese buffet & the cookie’s ‘fortune’ said so. I’m not impressed. Furthermore, I’ve been getting a lot of predictions about the nature of my unborn baby. I never knew people were so religious until the month of the predicted date of birth of my unborn child was stated, and people have come out of the woodwork to testify about their beliefs that my child will be such and such a way….

I’m reading the article below, because lots of folks, I’ve discovered, ascribe to the belief that there is some guidance to be found in the newspaper and online astrology forums. It’s a daily (I would call religious) practice for many, to flip to their horoscope for the day & not merely for entertainment, but for information as to how the day ought best be approached.

What brought this thought on? In discussing the pending birth of our firstborn child, I’m getting a lot of “Oooh, he’s going to be born in February? Great! He’ll be a _____ (whatever a Feb. horoscope sign is… I don’t have it memorized). This has actually bothered me quite a bit. I realize that these people are merely trying to be cheerful and discuss a light-hearted topic w/ me, but it actually gets my goat. After all, This is MY son whom we have already dedicated to Christ’s renown. Don’t go speaking the witchcraft of astrology over him. I won’t stand for it! Usually, when these kinds of conversations come up, I tend to smile, shrug my shoulders and change the topic.

What do you think about the common use of astrology in the discussion of peoples’ personality make up? Is it harmless? Is it all in fun? I guess what really gets me is that this is coming from folks who claim they are Christians. Can a person serve Christ and simultaneously subscribe to astrological belief? I think it all comes down to the core question: Are the stars in charge of destiny, or is the Creator of the stars the Sovereign boss of the Universe, like He says He is?

Think About It.